1851/PC-1450 - Butterfly Wings The Butterfly Wings shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Butterfly Inserts shall be made from 0.220" sheet PMMA. The Butterfly Wing Covers shall be made from 3/16" HR sheet steel and welded studs and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Butterfly Split Collars & Split Collar Halves shall be made from 1/4" HR sheet steel and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Castle Tab 90 Degree shall be made from 3/16" HR sheet steel and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Socket Clamps & Mounting Lugs shall be precision die-cast from a high strength aluminum alloy and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. 1981 - Sensory Wall The Sensory Wall Leg shall be fabricated using 1.315" O.D. 12 gauge steel tubing with welded 5/8" O.D. steel anchor and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Sensory Wall Leg - Surface Mount shall be fabricated using 1.315" O.D. 12 gauge steel tubing with welded 1/4" thick steel plate and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Sensory Ramp Inserts shall be precision cut from 12 gauge sheet steel and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Sensory Wall shall be fabricated using 1.029" O.D. 14 gauge and 1.315" O.D. 12 gauge steel tubing with welded 12 gauge and 1/4" thick steel tabs and flanges and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Mounting Blocks shall be two-part and precision die-cast from a high strength aluminum alloy and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. 1685-RND - Mosaic Panel Round The Mosaic Panel Round and Retainer shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Mosaic Blocks shall be made from injection molded plastic. The Activity Panel Tube shall be fabricated from 0.924" O.D. galvanized steel tubing. 1690-CLR - Small Color Wheel The Small Color Wheel Front and Back Panels, Inner and Outer Hubs, and Color Chips shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. 1690-RMKR - Small Rain Maker Panel The Small Rain Maker Back Panel, Rain Maker Cover, Rain Maker Rotator, Spinner Hub, and Spacer shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Small Rain Maker Window shall be made from .118 Polycarbonate sheet. 1644-RND - Gear Panel Round The Gear Panel Components shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Gear Panel Windows shall be made from .118 Polycarbonate sheet plastic. 1690-ORCL - Small Oracle Panel The Small Oracle Panel, Arrow, Inner & Outer Hubs shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. 1690-HYP - Small Hypno Station Panel The Small Hypno Station Axle, Holder, Handle, & Rotator shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. 1690-BBL - Small Bubble Panel The Small Bubble Panel Trim shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Small Bubble Panel shall be made from polycarbonate. 1690-BELL - Small Bell & Hammer Panel The Small Bell and Hammer Panel & Hammer shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Small Bell shall be precision die-cast from a high strength aluminum alloy and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. 1690-CHM - Small Chime Panel The Chime Panels & Chime Hammer shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Chime Panel Hubs & Spacers shall be made from high density 1" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Chimes shall be fabricated using 0.75" Galvanized EMT 18ga and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. The Chime Panel Bracket shall be punched and formed using 3/16" sheet steel and will have a multi-stage baked-on powder coat finish. 1690-TTT - Small Tic-Tac-Toe Panel The Small Tic-Tac-Toe Panel, Small Tic-Tac-Toe Trim, & Tic-Tac-Toe Piece shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. 1690-3ROW - Small 3-in-a-Row Panel The Panel, Slider, & Stop shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. 1631 - Pin Ball Panel The Pinball Panel Mounting Ring, Rotator, Clamping Rings, & Deflectors shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Pinball Panel Window shall be made from .118 Polycarbonate sheet plastic. 1634 - Labyrinth Panel The Pin Ball Panel Mounting Ring, Labyrinth Panel Rotator, & Labyrinth Panel Front & Back Retainer shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Labyrinth Window shall be made from .118 thick polycarbonate sheet plastic. 1630 - Hour Glass Panel The Pin Ball Panel Mounting Ring, Hour Glass Rotator, & Pin Ball Clamping Rings shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. The Hourglass Window shall be made from .118 thick polycarbonate sheet plastic. 1612 - Alphabet Maze Panel The Alphabet Maze Panel Round shall be made from high density 3/4" sheet plastic specially formulated for optimum UV stability and color retention. R5 1847 - Tree Top Roto R5 The Tree Top Roto R5 shall be constructed of UV-stabilized, rotationally molded, linear, low density polyethylene with an average wall thickness of .250".